Steller Systems Ltd (“the Company”) was placed into administration on 29 October 2024 and Benjamin Jones and Rajnesh Mittal were appointed as Joint Administrators. The affairs, business and property of the Company are being managed by the Administrators who act as agents of the Company without personal liability.

Should you have any queries, please contact Monika Olajcova at FRP Advisory Trading Limited at

Armed Forces Covenant

Tuesday, November 21st, 2023

Steller Systems is proud to have signed the Armed Forces Covenant, demonstrating our support for the Armed Forces community.

Steller Systems recognises the value that serving personnel, both regular and reservists, veterans and military families contribute to our business and our country.  By signing the covenant we are stating clearly that we strive to be a good employer of the Armed Forces community and that we welcome applicants from it.  In doing so we have made a number of firm, public commitments regarding how we provide practical support for veterans, reservists and families.

For more information about joining Steller Systems, please see our careers page.

Steller Systems Ltd (“the Company”) was placed into administration on 29 October 2024 and Benjamin Jones and Rajnesh Mittal were appointed as Joint Administrators. The affairs, business and property of the Company are being managed by the Administrators who act as agents of the Company without personal liability.

Should you have any queries, please contact Monika Olajcova at FRP Advisory Trading Limited at